Holiday Angels

Happy Early December!

We hope everyone is doing well.  Things at the farm are good.  Getting ready for the Holidays and busy with feeding and trying to avoid getting too muddy!

We just celebrated St. Nicholas Day on December 6.   The story of St. Nicholas is the basis for the Christmas Santa story, however, St. Nicholas was a real saint and has his feast day here in early December.   In many traditions (European and Eastern- though some Eastern calendar celebrate it on Dec. 19th) children leave out a shoe on St. Nicholas Day in hopes that it will be filled with treats!   Liz has several traditional french songs that she teaches her french students during the holidays about St. Nicholas coming to fill up children's shoes! 

We don't have small children in the house anymore but St. Nicholas Day can be a nice pre-Christmas tradition that has some great history and stories to go along with it!

Anyways, enjoy this holiday season!  and check out some of our newest wool products that Annie has been making to get into the holiday spirit:

We have some of these Christmas Angel Ornaments up on our store and we'll be taking them with us to the farmers market in Beckley.  Handmade and unique wool angel ornaments are all set for Christmas decorating and gifting! 


Wool angels are one of the more fun wool products to make!   Here are some quick instructions:

  1. Take some carded wool and tie a string around the center
  2. Using the knot as the top, fold the wool back on it self (like in a U) and tie a string around the first 1/2 inch or so to make the angel head.
  3. Then, take a separate piece of carded wool and place it between the two sides
  4. Tie a string around the middle to create the body and wings.
  5. Trim the wings and fluff the dress
  6. Add any decoration you want!